1. Put these awards into your blog
2. Tag 10 friends
3. Links those friends
4. Tell them about these awards
5. Share this link to others and to whom these awards tagged
lalu ini ada kuisnya.
1. 5 things found in my bag:
dompet, mini agenda, parfum, tissue pack, mini notes
2. 5 things found in my purse:
KTP, KTM, ATM, Kartu perpus, duit
3. 5 favourite things in my room:
komik, laci barang, tempat tidur, laptop, cermin4. 5 thing I always wanted to do:
write a best-selling novel about my friendship life
make a lot of comic books
work at a very lovely cafe
foto keluarga untuk kedua kalinya
going abroad
5. 5 things I currently into:
blogging, photography, drawing, house-keeping, jogging6. The person who inspired you now is: my mum
Your five impression of her:
she's a great single mother
she's a great boss
she's a great woman
she arrange our life so well (with good things come to us)
she's a great wife
1. Punya handphone? mm... karena HP gw baru aja ilang, so I wont continue answering the questions, but I'll write it all so you have to done them as your home
2. Merk + tipe handphone?
3.Warna/gambar theme yang lagi dipakai sekarang?
4. Wallpaper?
5. Warna casing?
6. Aplikasi/folder yang pertama keliatan begitu tekan tombol 'menu'?
7. Bahasa yang digunakan di handphone?
8. Kapasitas baterai saat ini?
9. Pakai slot memory? Jenis?
10. Total kapasitas slot memori? Sisa kapasitas yang belum terpakai saat ini?
11. Choice: Banyak terisi untuk apa memorinya?
12. Ada fitur koneksi Bluetooth?
13. Nama Bluetooth kamu saat ini?
14. Aplikasi yang paling sering kamu gunakan?
15. Sisa pulsamu saat ini?
16. Provider seluler yang kamu pake?
oh...oke,, 10 orang yang akan gw tag-in ini semua adalah: DISNA, INDAH, ABAL, PRESYL, ECHO, DARA, FABEL, BETA, MBAK MONA, dan... MUNI
fik..itu award mana yg dikasih ?? thx ya... jadi senang deh.. hahhaha
ntar ya fik kerjain PR-nya.. banyak bet..
makasiih banget iah..semua ya awardnya??hehehehe..
gw ngerjain dulu ye..
UAA. gw dapet award. hehehe. pertama kalinya nih. Nanti gw taroh di blog gw, tapi setelah selesai UMB ya. hehehe. maaf. thanks again.
fiekhaaa thank yoou thaaank yooou!hhe
yg mana itu yg diambil?semuaa?
buat presyl, muni, sama dara....iyaaa...seems like you're able to get all the awards, deh...hehehehe
udah.. aku ambil yg Friendship Emblem.. Keren soalnya.. hehehe...
Tengkyu yah.. boleh dibacaa..!!
first of all, selamat ya fika..
anyway, itu award apa sih..??
gw ngga ngerti deh..
jelasin dongs
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