take it easy, so life will be

Menyadari bahwa saat ini saya hanya ingin membuat hidup saya terasa lebih fun, maka sayalah yang harus membuatnya seperti itu. It's no kidding, you are what you want, you are what you say, you are what you eat, and you are what you be.

14 February 2010

fellas... I'm quitting it

"We are all a left shoe, looking for the right shoe, to make a complete pair of shoes"

Don' get shock

Gw berhenti suka sama dia.

I'm quitting loving him.
I'm quitting this feeling.

Buat orang-orang yang bingung bagaimana caranya gw melakukan ini, well... I just quit. It just happen, I feel rejected, I feel I don't have any chance to get his feeling back.

Lagipula, sebenernya, gw udah sempat menjelaskan di postingan gw yang lama, kalau sebenarnya banyak ketidakcocokan diantara kami, but love is blind that makes me still keep up the feeling.

To make it more simple, I make an analogy of shoes.

We are all a left shoe, looking for the right shoe, to make a complete pair of shoes.

Well, I'm a left shoe, he's a right shoe, but we're different in kind. Sepatu kanan-kiri yang dari modelnya aja udah beda, gimana bisa dipakai? It just doesn't make a perfect match.

Tapi setiap jenis sepatu pasti punya pasangannya, they created as a pair. We just haven't found it yet.

And I'm still waiting for my right shoe. My Mr. Right.

Satu kalimat terakhir, ternyata ada juga ya yang namanya cinta jadi benci. Sekarang gw malah nggak suka banget sama orang ini, my blindfold finally loosen down, dan gw bisa melihat ketidakcocokan yang amat sangat diantara gw dan dia.
He's just so damnly cold and regardless, not exactly a person I need in my situation and condition.


tammi prasetyo said...

hm, oke, i dont want to start it with a question: why?
its your decision.
all i want to say is please stop your negative thinking about him after your madly in love with him. i know exactly what it feels. and it dont give you any pleasure you know.
just go have some fun, make your quality time and do something that make you happy.
dont try to hate him, it wont give you any happiness.
so finally, i hope we can meet our mr.right hihi

Nisa Syahidah said...

are you sure? hmm... agak syoks gw. kemaren-maren lo masih kaya apa lompat-lompatnya..:p
is it that easy?

fika farikha said...

I'm sure completely sure. Gw juga nggak tau, it just happen, yes it is. Turns to hate, bukan berarti gw akan memblow up perasaan benci gw, sih... cuma aja... harusnya kan tuh perasaan jadi perasaan biasa2 aja, eh tapi buat orang ini gw malah jadi kurang suka sama sifatnya.

Ada beberapa tingkah laku yang nggak gw sukai, itu aja, sih.


Yes, we're waiting for our Mr.Right :) :)