take it easy, so life will be

Menyadari bahwa saat ini saya hanya ingin membuat hidup saya terasa lebih fun, maka sayalah yang harus membuatnya seperti itu. It's no kidding, you are what you want, you are what you say, you are what you eat, and you are what you be.

24 August 2010

bukan muluk-muluk 1

I always have dreams.

Aku selalu punya mimpi. Dan, please, walaupun itu adalah kata 'mimpi' janganlah memaknainya sebagai sekedar 'mimpi' belaka.

Karena mimpiku bukan muluk-muluk.

I always wanted to be:

A. Animator

I'm a Walt Disney wanna be, adore Hayao Miyazaki, loves Japanese animes. Ask me about my favorite studios: Ghibli, MadHouse, Pixar, Walt Disney (of course), Sunrise.

B. Writer
either a novelist, or a journalist

Jostein Gaarder always be my favorite writer, I feel I have a similar thoughts with JK Rowling, I love novels, books are amazing, arrr... *lapar dan haus buku

C. Comicus/illustrator/painter/artist

I LOVE CLAMP works, Usami Maki's, Chika Umino (Honey & Clover is her masterpiece), and I ever wished to enter college studying art, paintinf all the time, etc. But, hey, now, I'm and advertising student, errr.

D. Photographer

I joined the team in high school, joined the team at campus, photo hunting instead (or along with) hanging out the mall or anywhere.

E. Traveller
world is waiting for me *lol

get ready with your camera, and shared the magnificent planet with others.

you know what my favorite quote ALL THE TIME?


well, mister (or master), you really change me a lot with yourself, your saying, and your works :)

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