take it easy, so life will be

Menyadari bahwa saat ini saya hanya ingin membuat hidup saya terasa lebih fun, maka sayalah yang harus membuatnya seperti itu. It's no kidding, you are what you want, you are what you say, you are what you eat, and you are what you be.

09 October 2009

namaku oh namaku... hahaha

Nama lengkap gw bisa dilihat di profile lebih lanjut, fiEkHa dari FIKA alias nickname gw.

Kalau Googling nama lengkap gw muncullah link2 blog gw, facebook, friendster, dll.


Nah, kalau nickname gw yang di-google-kan?

Here some of the results:

a. Sebuah blog, in English, penulisnya jalan2 ke Praha, dan ada postingan dengan judul FIKA. Inilah cuplikannya...

"...we enjoyed our first 'fika' which translates to snack…"

b.  Satu lagi situs yang menyebut2 nama FIKA, cuplikannya di bawah ini...

"In Sweden we have something called ‘Fika’, which roughly translates into ‘coffee-break’, but it can be used as both a noun and a verb (to coffee-break). This does not mean that you have to drink coffee in order to fika, you can just as well have a glass of lemonade or whatever you feel like. Also, when you go on a fika you usually have something small to eat, like a cake or cookie or some bread with cheese. Fika is a very important tradition in Sweden, we have special fika-breaks at work and school, and we fika in our spare time with friends and family. Fika is an important part of socializing, and one of the most common forms of dating. In my family we used to fika at least twice per day!"

Oke, pada intinya gw mendapat kesimpulan bahwa di SWEDIA, fika itu adalah istilah untuk coffee-break sambil menikmati kue2 atau camilan roti2 kecil yang bisa juga disebut fikabrod (roti fika). Akh, gawat... kalau gw ke Swedia kagak bisa ngenalin nickname gue....

Mungkin gambar ini akan mendukung istilah FIKA di Swedia:

klik, perbesar, baca, dapatkan informasinya

Dan ada beberapa image results lainnya yang nggak banget... auh.

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