take it easy, so life will be

Menyadari bahwa saat ini saya hanya ingin membuat hidup saya terasa lebih fun, maka sayalah yang harus membuatnya seperti itu. It's no kidding, you are what you want, you are what you say, you are what you eat, and you are what you be.

02 January 2010

good bye for a moment, my thinking room

Seperti yang udah gw tulis di postingan sebelum ini, I think I'm going to be hiatus for a while. Leaving this blog that supposed to be my thinking room, for some weeks, or maybe months, or... who knows?

There are some things need to be accomplished, to be done, to be chased and reached. I hope it won't take a long time so I can continue to write here again, right after I finished them all, or maybe one of them. Just after I get my thinking time back.

And I will have my thinking time back, get back to this place!

See ya!


Anonymous said...

yaaa sayang banget
padahal gw termasuk orang yg selalu menanti tulisan dari fikha lho.

Mona said...

kenapa yg hiatus blognya, fik? bukan facebook & twitternya?


deady rizky said...

selamat hiatus!
jangan lupa komen balik ya. Loh?

Febi Purnamasari said...

pasti gara2 magang. semangat yaaa, fikaa!

Ninneta - MissPlum said...

Salam sobat, datang mempererat silaturahmi... maaf baru mampir lagi... kesehatan memburuk baru membaik... Semoga selalu dalam kebahagiaan...
